Test-IT GmbH


Where are your products manufactured, and by whom?

Our products are manufactured by TURKLAB, located in Izmir, Turkey.

What is the brand of your rapid tests?

The brand of our rapid test is TEST-IT. 

Do you have a CE and ISO quality certification for your products?

Yes, we have obtained CE and ISO13485  quality certification for our products, ensuring compliance with European standards.

Do you have avaliable stock of your products for sale?

Yes, we maintain a stock of our products to meet customer demand.

Are your products ready for immediate delivery?

 Yes, our products are ready and available for immediate delivery. Order quantity should be discussed.

How can I place an order for your products?

You can contact our TEST-IT GmbH Munich office through phone or e-mail. Please see the contact information.

How does TEST-IT GmbH connect the manufacturer, TURKLAB, to the end user?

TEST-IT GmbH is a direct prime distributor of TURKLAB. 

What advantages does TEST-IT GmbH offer in terms of European delivery services?

TEST-IT GmbH excels in European delivery services, offering advantages such as decreased lead time, minimized costs, no customs requirements, and no additional stock expenses, etc.

How do you manage after-sales service?

You can request after-sales service by contacting TEST-IT GmbH Munich office through the provided contact information, which is usually available on our website or product documentation.